Single But Valuable

Single But Valuable

As a single mother, sometimes the struggle with self-esteem is overwhelming. You’re holding yourself together for the kids, smiling through the rainy days, and constantly on the go in an effort to avoid the battle with the 3 W’s: What If, Why Me and Who Am I.

What If:

The past happens for a reason and even if we had made a different choice, would we have come into our purpose? Would we have learned the lesson necessary to evolve?

Isaiah 43:18-19 says “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”

Just because we are single does not forbid great things from happening in our life. Once we leave the past behind us, we can focus on the present and all the things that are possible through Jesus. And let’s not forget that forgiveness is part of leaving it in the past.

Why Me:

Why not “me”? We were built for the task! No matter the situation that led us to become a single mother, it happened to us because we could handle it. Yes, we get lonely. We want companionship other than the kids. We ask what is wrong with me? How did I let this happen? In God, we are strong! But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31. Trust in Him for your strength. There is still a plan for you and YOU still matter!

Who Am I:

Working extended hours to make ends meet. Being sure to show up for every activity. Sitting in the car just to get 5 minutes without someone calling “mommy”, wondering how did I get here. As long as my pants and shirt match, I look fine. Making enough time for everything and everyone else except for “you”. Where did you go? Somewhere along the way, in all the regret and self-doubt, we lost ourselves. Our hobbies, education, and career plans got put on hold. Self-care declines because the kids are more important. We forgot that we are valuable! God tells us we are precious and honored in Isaiah 43:4. And, because we are royalty, an heir of His kingdom (Galatians 4:7), we should carry ourselves accordingly. Straighten your crown, sis because you are somebody.
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