Reigniting Hope

Reigniting Hope

We've all encountered circumstances when we have tried everything in our power to make something happen, anticipating a positive outcome—a promotion, a relationship, a sick relative, or conceiving a child. The list is ongoing. But the moment our expectation or desire isn't fulfilled, we automatically flip the negative switch and lose motivation to endure. We give up and get stuck in a rut.

Here are three ways to prevent lingering in that negative mental state that might lead to depression.

1. Don't give up. Even if the result wasn't what you expected, it doesn't mean it's not meant for you. Maybe it's just not the right time. When you feel like quitting, reflect on why you started or why this goal matters to you. Try new approaches that could help you achieve the desired outcome. It's tempting to give up when things get tough, but the satisfaction of perseverance is priceless.

2. Seek wisdom and encouragement from those who have encountered the same situation. Shake that woe-is-me attitude, pride, or, embarrassment and get among a group or individual who has experienced the same thing you are going through. A crucial aspect of stabilizing mental health is to ensure surrounding yourself with positive and encouraging influences. Connecting with a church group or seeking advice from a trustworthy source can help view your situation from a different perspective. Believe that you are not alone.

3. Be willing to accept what is and grow from that circumstance because it was God's plan. Trials come to give us strength and ignite change so that we can become better. Experiencing struggles can develop sympathy and compassion within us, making us better friends, parents, and partners. Learning from setbacks is more valuable than from success. Focus on the learning process and let go of worries and drama.

Challenges, heartaches, pressure, sadness, setbacks, emptiness. It´s an unavoidable part of life! Wouldn't it be great to steer our life path and shield ourselves and loved ones from pain? The harsh reality: some life events are beyond our control. But, what we can control is how we react. How we deal with life circumstances is our choice. It's time to move forward in hope!

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